Just a Thought | Grace

Every year I am involved in many RE classes in Secondary Schools across Swansea with 24 Hours that Changed the World, detailing the last 24 hours of Jesus’ life. After the session the pupils ask their questions. It is always a special time as they come up with different and often difficult questions.  However this year was very special indeed – in one school – after considering the great exchange of the thief at the Cross asked “How can God forgive that thief so easily and not a good person?”

It is a deep and profound question – How can God forgive as a nasty character and not simply those who are good. Well it is all an act of Grace…

Grace – God gives us the things we don’t deserve – love, hope for the future, forgiveness of sins, joy everlasting. All of these are found at the Cross. The Hymn writer put it best when he wrote:-

Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found. Was blind but now I see.

In God’s economy, everyone is at the same level – every man, woman, child, thief, billionaire, or ‘good guy’. In God’s eyes we all do things wrong, and yet, in that very moment at the Cross. The thief is told “Today you will be with me in Paradise”. Jesus declares to the whole world that despite our sin, we can be free by Grace. Not through our own performance, but by His amazing Grace at work at the Cross.

It is by grace you have been saved through faith it is not of yourselves it is a gift of God. (Ephesians 2:8)

So take time this Easter, as you tuck in your Hot Cross Buns and have that sugar rush from all the chocolate. Easter is all about Grace. Grace from a loving almighty God to a sinful world. Let’s celebrate and shout it from the roof tops. Jesus is Alive! Grace is available to all who ‘believe in His name’.

Time | News Update

Bob Dylan famously sung “The times they are a-changing”. As Christians we take comfort in the fact that Our Lord never changes “He is the same, yesterday today and forever” and leave many of us anxious as He moulds and changes us and our circumstances.  2018 is going to be such a year, as ‘the times they are a-changing’ for me and the family in Swansea.

Over the past year however I have been praying about the future of the ministry here in Swansea. After five years of working alongside OAC Ministries, I asked God for guidance, for what the future looked like. During this time, a fellow evangelist, Phil Davies who I met regularly had also been praying about me and the family and asked about joining Counties.

Counties UK is an Evangelistic organisation with Evangelists up and down the Country, working in many different areas (including Schools Ministry) to ‘make Jesus known.’ They have also pioneered some great high quality RE resources (including GSUS Live, Key to Life & Life Exhibition.) I have worked on many of their projects, and have had great experiences working alongside them.

After months of prayer, consultation, & an interview with the Trustees, Counties have asked me to join them as an Evangelist starting in 2018. I do believe that God has called us to join Counties. This will of course meaning leaving OAC Ministries, but will always be networked with some great guys aiming to ‘present Jesus by all means everywhere’ and am so thankful for their fellowship and support over the past five years.

In January 2018, I will officially be starting with Counties with an 18 month ‘Training period’. Nothing will change in terms of ministry. I will still working my own schedule – developing School Assemblies, Weekly Children’s/Youth clubs, and preaching engagements (although I will have to be extra vigilant with my diary!) but will have support and regular meetings with local Swansea Evangelists.

I will also continue to produce my quarterly newsletter. If you’d like to start receiving the newsletter electronically please sign up here. As well as look for financial support to help fund the ministry and our ever-growing family.

In terms of support, nothing changes. I am still faith-based financially and am so grateful to God for the generous financial and prayer support of local Christians and Churches who give to us as a family on a regular basis and will look to God to further provide for us in the future. We also thank God that Counties do give a small gift to their Evangelists each month.I pray that you will continue to partner with us as we seek to present and make Jesus known.

Just a Thought | Best

Over the past few months, Isaac has developed so much, and we have already started playing games and singing songs, particularly it’s the old Sunday School Classics that he seems to love the most. One song we sing is “Building up the Temple”  as we build our 6 month old equivalent using small blocks.

This song relates to a Bible Story I have recently been teaching in our Children’s Clubs in Swansea, as we have been making our way through Kings. In 1 Kings, Solomon has the desire to build a temple for the Lord – a Home for God to dwell. To finally give God the a proper home – not a temporary tent, but a house in the City.

Solomon continues by imaging the build, and requesting help from another nation’s cedar wood, and getting only the great and the good to work on the temple. As the temple was built – one thing was clear. It wasn’t going to be the leftover bits from other people homes’ or given a quick ‘that will do’ job attitude. This temple was the best that anyone had ever seen. The quality of the material used was amazing and the construction was a work of art.

Solomon dedicated to giving his best to God before building his own, and even then said “Who can really build a good home for the Lord”

In God’s amazing grace, there would be a wiser, stronger, and merciful King who brought his best for us. When King Jesus entered into our World, he wasn’t coming to do ‘half-a-job’ or a ‘that-will-do” act. He came to give his very self in order to secure our salvation – of sins forgiven, and a guaranteed home in the best place imaginable – In God’s House.

News Update

In the Autumn Term, The Assembly was the Rich Young Man looking at how nothing was too hard for him – nothing was impossible. He simply ‘clicked’ his fingers and had it. Except when it came Jesus. When Jesus challenged his very heart – give away everything then come and follow me. What a great challenge to Children – not looking at the obsession for more, but being thankful for the things we have, but more than that – knowing that Jesus can do the impossible in bringing Eternal Life. At the end of one Assembly, I was asked “Mr Davies, when are you coming back? Because I ‘loves’ your Stories.” Please pray for more opportunities to serve the Schools, and for a generation to not only love the Bible  Stories but will come to know Jesus as their Saviour.

As part of the work in the Schools, I have had a lot of interest lately from the Schools, about doing RE lessons on Christianity. I have already had one meeting with the RE teacher and we hope together to have a programme ready for the next term. Please pray as I put the package together that it would be Bible-Centred and True to the Gospel.

A number of people have encourage/challenged me to package some of the Children’s Ministry material together to help other Christians/Churches to develop their work. I will be taking some time in January to develop this further.

I was recently invited to The Mission Cwmtwrch to present a Training Evening on Children Ministry and how to become more effective.  The Session was very well received and many people took ‘something’ away from the session whether it was a game, or a way of presenting a Story and simply a useful tool that they could implement.  It was a privilege to help and encourage all the generations represented to go and share the Gospel with the next generation.

At Clwb Ponty Kids Club, two young people from the local School have been helping out this term, and it has been encouraging to see them develop over the course of the term as well as the Children. A highlight was to see the young people take ownership of the Craft activity and lead the session – getting the children to create a Big-Size Bible Bookshelf. Another highlight was a little girl along with her mother who have started to come to club lately (because I am her favourite teacher at School! Praise God!) Her reactions to the Bible Stories is amazing! During the quiz the question was asked “Why do people get baptised?” To which she responded “Because  Jesus makes us clean on the inside.” Please pray that these children would know that Jesus has cleaned their hearts too!

This Term’s Kapow! have been all about Secret Agents with Kapow Spy Unleashed! A Fun One Day Family Event for all ages. We looked at the Bible Story of Joshua, how God provided a way of escape for Rahab because she believed and trusted in God, and Our motto reminded us the same is true today – that The Son of Man came to find and save people who are lost.

The Event in  Mumbles Baptist Church went well, with lots of families coming to join us, and parents/grandparents stayed throughout and joined in the fun, with some returning to other Church activities in the week. At Llanelli Evangelical, 25 children came for a fun-packed morning, with lots of families staying in the Parents Cafe. Please pray as the Kapow events are developed further, that many families will be reached with the Gospel.

Clwb + (Pontardawe Youth) we have had a great term together, as He started answering question they posed to us at the start of the term – from ‘Aren’t all religions the same?’, ” to ‘How do you read the Bible?’. It was a great opportunity to share with them the Gospel messages, to answer question, and provide an appropriate quiet time material for them to study at home. Please pray that they will read it and that God would speak to them as they read it.

This Term at Teen Total we have been going through the Life Explored Material. As part of a Conversational Game, one question was posed “How can people know God better?” With no hesitation, a Year 9 turns round and says “Well, you go to Church and worship God init”. It was astonishing. Pray that these young people would come to know and do just that.

Friday Night Youth at Waterfront has been an interested ride this term with numbers differing, however we have a small group of Year 7s that we know come (even to a Testimony Night & a City-wide Youth Concert). We pray that numbers would increase and we would have the opportunity to share the Gospel with them.

This year’s Christmas Assembly was the Story of the Grumpy Innkeeper and his reaction to all the Biblical scenes around him – that Jesus brings Joy to the World and Peace on Earth. Due to Bad Weather, Pastor Arnallt & I visited Danygraig Primary School for Our Annual Christmas Service. It was a lovely afternoon and a great opportunity to share the True Meaning of Christmas. Pray for wisdom as we develop links with Local Schools in the area.

I was had the opportunity to speak at the Christmas Praise Event with Swansea Male Voice Choir at Waterfront Community Church with over 200 people in attendance. It was a wonderful night of Carol-singing and performances, and I had the opportunity to the present the Gospel Message looking at “What’s the Greatest Gift you could have this Christmas?” Please pray that the message went home and that folks would ponder that question over this Christmas time.


Prayers for 2017

Thanking God for His Grace in another amazing year of ministry in Swansea. Continue to pray for the future of the work in Swansea. For wisdom in taking opportunities, to serve the local Church, as well as developing new ideas & resources to equip local Churches

Please pray that God would continue to hold together our Family – Laura, Isaac and I & that we would continue to walk God’s way each day.

Praise God for supplying all our needs (physically, financially, and spiritually) in this ministry. Pray that God will continue to provide for us financially to fund the ministry & personally.

I now attend 28 Primary Schools in the Local area, through assemblies & lessons. Pray that God would continue to bless this ministry, and wisdom in how to develop it further and building stronger links with the School Community.

Thanking God for the work in Manselton through Kids Club (Mount Calvary) with Un-Churched Children coming each week – learning & remembering Bible Stories/Verses. Pray as we develop the work further and seek to draw Families to know Jesus.

Praise God for the work in Pontardawe – through Clwb Ponty (Kids Club) & Clwb + (Youth Club) in Pontardawe as well as Cwmtawe [CU, Assemblies & Lessons]. Pray for wisdom as we develop the work, & build relationship with parents, children, & students.

Teen Total in Barry has seen some changes this year, but it is great to see their lives changing as they are challenged each week  and now have searching questions about the Bible. Pray that this group would grow in a deeper understanding of the Gospel.

Praise God for this Year’s Kapow Kids Events as it has gone into different Churches each term. Please pray for its continued impact, and for the development of other events & resources. [www.kapowkids.info]

Thanking God for our loving and supportive Church Family at Waterfront! It’s a privilege to be part of the Leadership Team, lead a Housegroup & Friday Night Youth. Pray for opportunities to serve, and develop the work further.

Thank God for the amazing impact of RE Resources such as 24 Hours & CSI Jerusalem & the teams to present it, as it went into several Secondary Schools this year.  Pray it would make a lasting impact on the lives of Students & Teachers alike.

Pray that God would provide a ‘Timothy’ to work alongside – to train and send out into the area to work in this great harvest work across South Wales.

Praying into 2017 – A brand new year with many encouragements and challenges ahead that God would provide opportunities, and ways to spread his Gospel.

Pause for Thought | Remember

Last year’s John Lewis advert went quite literally interstellar, depicting the life of a sad lonely man living on the moon, and the little girl who tries to brighten up his life by giving him a special gift with the tag line – Show someone you love them this Christmas. This of course, is a tear jerker, to promote John Lewis products and Age UK Charity. It’s amazing how much impact this has had on the general public.

However let’s use this Christmas to remember:-  Christmas isn’t about rushing around chaotically to get that last present, or making sure the tree is picture perfect, or making the best Christmas Lunch.  It’s a time to remember that every year for over 2000 years there is someone who shows us love – and provides the greatest gift of all.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His One and Only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16

So this Christmas let’s remember the real gift of Christmas from the baby in the manger to the Saviour on the Cross & share it with everyone who will listen. The greatest gift of all is forgiveness & hope – found through Jesus Christ!

Just a Thought | Better

In a Car Park in Leicester, buried for the past 500 years has been a King. King Richard III – A King of England who died in battle. His funeral service and re-burial was done in the manner worthy of a King with all pomp and ceremony.

So in over 500 years- have things got any better in our Land?

What’s also been keen to note to the aftermath of that cost Top Gear it’s main star – Jeremy Clarkson. A polarising presenter of Top Gear, who always seems to be in and out of the news for all the wrong reasons. The BBC have tried to satisty viewers with a Brand New Top Gear featuring Chris Evans & Matt Le Blanc –  Everyone watched the 1st episode to see if the Show was any better without Clarkson, May & Hammond…

In fact in 1997, as part of New Labour’s Campaign to Downing Street declared the song “Things can only get better…” Over the past few years we have been told that ‘better things are coming’. My Bible tells me different. My Bible declares that there is already been ‘something better’.

And all these, though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised, since God had provided something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect.(Hebrews 11:39-40)

As Jesus went towards the Cross and declared ‘It is Finished’. He declared to the Whole World – Something better is here! In Old Testament days they needed a Sacrifice to stay true to God. Jesus ended all that. He paid the final payment for my debt of sin. His Once and for all sacrifice meant my Sin, our sin – ‘though they are red as crimson, they shall be as white as snow’. Thanks to that Ultimate Sacrifice – anyone can come to the King of Kings, and a Great High Priest (between God and Man) – The God Man -Jesus Christ! (He) will be merciful towards their iniquities and …remember their sins no more.(v12)

That old hymn puts it well:- Before the Throne of God above, I have strong and perfect plea; A Great High Priest whose name is Love whoever lives and pleads for me. …  Since the Sinless Saviour died my sinful Soul is counted Free; For God the Just is satisfied to look on him and pardon me!

Friend we have something to celebrate! Jesus is better! He makes a better way of salvation, a better hope, better redemption, better way of living, better promises, a better High Priest and a far better King! So let’s spread the News & Celebrate!

Just a Thought | Reaching the Generations

This past year, has been a great time of celebration, adjustments and reflection. In April 2015, My wife gave birth to our wonderful Baby Boy Isaac Morgan on 30th April (weighing in at 8lb 2oz).  It is such a privilege to be a Dad!  It still amazes me that I hold the next generation in my hand, and it’s my job to teach so many amazing things.

Each generation is so different, from the baby boomers of the 60s, Generation X & Y to the Google Generation (Alpha) of today. Each generation faces its own challenges, memories, and things that shape that generation. Thank God that His mission has never changed. It’s still to reach and ‘go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples.’ I  believe that this is to every people group in our nation – from men, woman, students and children. We have a great opportunity to share this amazing message with people of every generation. As Spurgeon once said  the Gospel was “Shallow enough for a child to wade in and deep enough to drown an elephant”  The Gospel is so simple! Let’s tell them the old, old story of Jesus and His love.

In May it will have been four years since I started to work as an Evangelist for OAC Ministries, here in Swansea. It has been one amazing journey for Laura and I, and we are so grateful for all the amazing support God has given us, a Church Family who love us, as well as friends and supporters who give in prayer & financial support for the work.

God has blessed us with some great opportunities too! To date I take part in 28 School Assemblies meeting around 4953 pupils and staff each term. I lead two weekly Children’s clubs, three Youth groups, and am involved in a Secondary School Christian Union. I also do Holiday Clubs, Beach Mission, Open Airs, Preaching engagements and Kapow Kids One Day events as well as training and encouraging another generation to do the work of the evangelist.

Please continue to pray for the amazing work God is doing here in Swansea. Please pray for wisdom in building relationships with Schools as well as seeking to develop the work further.

Thank you so much for love and support, and together let’s ‘tell it to [y]our Children’s children and to their children another generation.(Joel 1 :3)

News – Outreach Update

This term at Kids Club Manselton & Clwb Ponty we have continued our Kingdom stories in the Bible as we’ve reached ‘Kingdom Divided’. No longer in the glory days of David & Solomon, but with a Kingdom that is broken and divided. However the truth is that even in those hard times, God is still working in and through his people (like Elijah, Naaman, and Daniel) always pointing us to ‘kingdom that will continue forever.

This term we have also re-introduced the ’66 books’ song as a rap. The children at both clubs are really enjoyed it and are eager to do more each week. In Mount Elim Pontardawe, they are also doing it as part of their Sunday services. One particular highlight this term was to see the children at Kids Club (Manselton) receiving a Bible for themselves – excitingly searching through it, wanting to find the Bible stories they had been hearing about.

Please pray for the outreach of families in our clubs as we seek to introduce them to Jesus, particularly in light of current government consultation (wanting to inspect children’s clubs) that it would not stop outreach events such as Kids Club/Clwb + in bringing people to the Church to discover the real Jesus.

This term’s Kapow had all the glitz and glamour with a ‘Movie’ themed programme with songs, games, puppet sketch, quiz,  and the Bible Story of the Mr VIP (Rich Young  Ruler) who seemed to have everything he could have possibly wanted and yet came to the feet of Jesus and asked “Good Teacher, how I can gain eternal life?” It is all thanks to Christ’s work at the Cross – the impossible is made possible. With Man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible. [Mark 10:27] which was our motto for the morning.

It has been a really encouraging time helping Churches to engage in outreaching their local community. At Manselton, it was really encouraging as this was the first family outreach event the Church has done in many years as over 30 children came to the event along with huge support from families & by members of the Church too.  Please pray for more opportunities to present the Gospel through the Kapow One Day events as well as through Holiday Clubs, and most of all to see God transform lives!

Easter’s Assembly has been the Bible Story of the Emmaus Road using Folding Cards. It is a moving assembly, centering on the main reason for Easter – that it was all part of God’s amazing plan – that even though sometimes people do things wrong – He sent Jesus to die on a Cross – and come back to Life. So that whoever says Sorry to God, can live now and forever in Heaven with Him. The Assembly has been very well received in the Schools this term, with many of teachers reiterating the message to the Children to appreciate the real reason for Easter.

I thank God for all those wonderful opportunities to build relationships with Schools across Swansea. Please pray that I would be able to build stronger links with the schools & develop the work further.

I had the privilege of preaching at my Home Church on Easter Sunday morning for a Family Service using the Emmaus Road folding cards to appeal to both Children & Adults. It was a celebratory morning – thanking God for His amazing plan of salvation through Jesus’ death at the Cross. Please pray for the four adults & one child who took tracts that morning, that God would work in their life and bring salvation.

One final story of encouragement. I had a text from a teacher in a local School. A child had made an Easter card for Jesus. Once the teacher had explained that Jesus was now in Heaven, and Christians were going to live with Him. He decided that ‘Mr Davies’ from His Assemblies should have the honour of looking after the card to give to Jesus when He returns.

To receive Outreach News Swansea and have the latest News & Prayer Requests each quarter please sign up today!

This is My Story


2001 was quite a year, Tony Blair would win a second term in office. Wikipedia was launched, Windows XP released and Monsters Inc was at the cinema. But for me 2001 will always be a special year… let me tell you why.

In 2001, God decided to change the life of a church-going, shy boy (yes I was!) from Gorseinon, Swansea.

For many years I was taken by my parents to Sunday School and Church twice on a Sunday. For me it was all about knowing all the answers, and in fact knowing all the questions too (!) But there was no real impact in my life. I knew so much, and yet truely knew so little. During the week I behaved and acting like a different person to the one people met on a Sunday.

In my teenage years, I started attending a City-wide Youth Meeting called Swansea Youth Link. The difference was instantly clear, as I met young people from across Swansea. They actually believed in Jesus, and lived their lives trusting Him each day.

During the Winter of 2001, I had begin to think about the gospel for myself, and really wrestled with thoughts of whether I needed to trust Jesus at all. However it all came to a head, after having a conversation online over MSN with someone I knew from the City-wide Church meeting.

She typed:- “You know the Gospel! You need to do something about it!”

That bluntness hit me so hard – because I knew she was right. I knew what Jesus had done. He died on a brutal Roman cross and came back to life – to pay the price for sin and rebellion against God. I needed to stop asking questions, and putting off what I desperately needed to do – To say sorry to God for the things I had done, and ask Him to forgive me for the guilt and shame I had in my life – and change me from the inside, out.

So I prayed (I mean really and honestly, for the first time.) I wrestled as I desperately wanted to ask Jesus to change me, and at the same time wanted to hold onto the past. However, God won out. I knew that night Jesus changed me. That guilt and shame I had been a like a weight being lifted off.

January 12th 2001. My Life was never the same again. I knew forgiveness, hope, and a peace that I had never experienced before. Jesus had taken away the guilt and shame. I was now free. Since then, I have had a burning desire to share this great news with people everywhere.

In 2009, I married my best friend, Laura and this past year we welcome our first son, Isaac into the world. I have lived in many different cities, gone to University, served in Christian Union, faced many challenges along the way – but through every situation, good or ill, I knew peace in my life – knowing that God was with me each and every day.

In 2012 we started a new chapter by moving back to our Hometown, and started a brand new work in Swansea with OAC Ministries GB working, with a burning desire to ‘present Christ by all means everywhere’ tell generations of families with School Assemblies, Church Services, Open Airs, Church Missions, and Holiday Clubs.

This song was sung at my baptism, and I believe there is a life-changing power in that special name. There is No power of hell, no scheme of man can ever pluck me from his hand til he returns or calls me home. Here in the power of Christ, I stand. There are bumps along the way, doubts, worries, fears of the future, but one thing I know well – that Jesus died for my sin, and is keeping me each day. I know he can do it for others too!